Thursday, April 26, 2012

Can you wear ethnic hair braids at Navy boot camp?

I am an African American female who is considering joining the navy. I am not at all vain but I know that if I wear my hair down for several months in addition to regular swimming it will fall out and not grow back. I have several bald or balding female relatives as evidence. I want to know if you can wear hair braids (extensions) at boot camp if they are regulation length. Really want to join the navy. Think it is the best branch no offense to the others but I do not want to make myself bald for it.

Can you wear ethnic hair braids at Navy boot camp?

Yes you can, but you need to get all the female hair regulations from your recuiter. Just so you know also, your extensions will grow out before you are done with boot camp and then you will need to cut them off. Then what are you going to do. I saw this first hand when I was in boot camp. Black females did not have an easy time of things with their hair while in training. You do have different needs as far as hair care goes and you can take care of these issues to a certain extent. If you do do this make sure your hair extensions are short and small. You have to wear a hat everyday almost all day and if this baseball style hat doesn't work with the uniform you will be forced to get a hair cut. 9 weeks is a long time to deal with hair issues so do your research on the subject. Type in Navy Uniform Regulations into your search engine and look up female hair regulations. There is nothing fancy allowed, especially in boot camp. Straight rows, no fashion styled parting, just basic corn rows without beads or colored rubberbands, pony tails or clips You are also not allowed to bring wax, oils or perming supplies with you. It is a hard task to figure out, but the more you know the better your time at boot camp. The Navy is the best, but the other branches are just as tough on female hair issues.

Can you wear ethnic hair braids at Navy boot camp?

You should be checking with a recruiter about this.

Can you wear ethnic hair braids at Navy boot camp?

Personally, I've always been of the opinion that women in the armed forces should be required to shave their heads, as their male counterparts do. It should not be a matter of choice as to what hairstyle they can have.

Can you wear ethnic hair braids at Navy boot camp?

you need to ask a recruiter. i dont think they allow hair extensions. hair has to be able to be pulled up and kept up. without coming lose and while deployed you wont be able to maintain extenions as they are not sold on board. nor will you have time to put them in. go natural its easier to up keep when your on the go for 18 plus hours a day.

Can you wear ethnic hair braids at Navy boot camp?

while you are in training you are not authorized hair extensions but once you are actually apart of the navy they are authorized as long as they are within regulation.

Can you wear ethnic hair braids at Navy boot camp?

No No and NO do not ask a recruiter... sheesh You need to talk with the Department of the Navy directly.

Recruiters, at least in my day, were the people who handed out the rose tinted glasses. If what they told me had come true I'd still be in the Navy lo these 30 years since I enlisted.

You'll be told whatever it takes to get your name on the line.

Contact Washington DC

Can you wear ethnic hair braids at Navy boot camp?

You should ask the recruiting office.

Bootcamp over enlisted lengths may vary.

I would venture to guess however that you might be able to wear them short or at a lenght that you can tie back.

Ask a recruiter or someone who has gone through it.

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