Friday, April 27, 2012

GUYS: If $$$ was not a concern, would you correct your HAIR LOSS?

Say you could afford to have something done about your baldness, or hair loss, would you do it or would you just let it be?

Also, what would you do or perhaps are doing to correct the hair loss?





Spray can hair?

Are you happy with the results you see?

GUYS: If $$$ was not a concern, would you correct your HAIR LOSS?

I've already decided that if I go bald, I'm going to shve it all off and grow a beard. comb overs and plugs look worse than having no hair at all.

GUYS: If $$$ was not a concern, would you correct your HAIR LOSS?

Do the Bosley Treatment or whatever. Or that commercial with the dude from the Dolphins and Wade Boggs, I think that ones different from Bosley.

GUYS: If $$$ was not a concern, would you correct your HAIR LOSS?

I am gradually loosing my hair and because it is what nature intended for me, I will accept the fact and go with it. Who made this rule that hair on your head is attractive, but anywhere else it's not attractive. These facsion and beauty experts need to be shot in my opinion because all they do is give people mental complexes. Have you seen Hollywood stars after their career is over, they look like death.

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