So, I'm getting my hair changed completely.
I already know for sure I'm going to get extensions to add volume + length.
But, I don't know colours to dye my hair or what part of my hair to dye (would look sort of odd to have ALL of my hair one crazy colour, right?) .
I was thinking maybe teal, turqoiuse, and/or/white.
%26amp; streaks in random parts of my hair %26amp; maybe stripes on one part of my hair.
I'm not completely sure.
Suggestions would be appreciated. :]
My pictures:
When i get extensions, my hair will look something like the girls in the pictures in my last question.
Changing my hair (I have pictures)?
Ok so i looked at your pics. however, i do feel that you need to ditch the glasses and get some contacts to bring out your great jaw line.. and i would get rid of the bangs and go with a redish brown color for your hair. Yes i would highlight and do that here. My best suggestion is to bring a pic of beyone knowles hair color (not style) to your dresser and see she can work that color with you. Also bring those ends of your hair in and up a little bit OR use a GOOD (maybe expensive) defrizzer and a frizz serum to get rid of the rough look . I would also make a wispy side bang to go with it. you have a great skin color and great jaw line and prob an even more gorgeous forhead.. but i feel like your hiding it all under that hair. GOOD LUCK! I hope i helped a little.
Changing my hair (I have pictures)?
Changing my hair (I have pictures)?
White is a no.
Changing my hair (I have pictures)?
i liked example 4 from the last question
Changing my hair (I have pictures)?
Get a Mohawk, its the way forward and back. Or maybe just ask your friends, do you spend more time on your hair than is normal? stop worrying about what people think about you because no one gives a ****, me included. In fact why am i even answering this??? hmm thats a question
Changing my hair (I have pictures)?
Wow, you resemble Steve Erkel from Family Matters
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