Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Should you really tip someone who is charging 100.00 an hour to install hair extensions??

Im sorry but i dont agree with tipping people. If they do a good job then by all means give them a tip. But i think its cheek when they stand there and expect one, just for doing their duty. At the end of the day they are employed to do a job which they get paid for.

Should you really tip someone who is charging 100.00 an hour to install hair extensions??

maybe like 5 dollars! Only if it is good and you are happy with it

Should you really tip someone who is charging 100.00 an hour to install hair extensions??

If it's good, why not?

If it's bad, give them a penny.

It's more insulting then no tip.

Yep, I'm cruel. =)

Should you really tip someone who is charging 100.00 an hour to install hair extensions??

If they do a great job. The tip justifies the service, no matter how much $$ the service was, did u get what u pd for? How do the extensions look, were they worth it?? I could have done those cheaper!! LOL But serious.......

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