Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How should I dye my hair?

Right now my hair is really light blonde with brown underneath and I have extensions. But in a month or so I'll take out my extensions and my hair is only a couple inches past my shoulders. It took me a lot of work and time to get my hair this blonde, so I don't know if I'd want to dye ALL of it darker. And I have kind of a pale skin tone.

Any ideas of how I should dye my hair?

How should I dye my hair?

ok, first off, if you have light eyes... blue or green or light hazel.. you have to do it darker! it looks so pretty, do a darker auburnish brown. it will really make your eyes pop out! lol i have pale skin, and blue eyes... i died it black, and it lightened up to a nice rich brown %26amp; makes my eyes look so much brighter!

either way, blonde is pretty, but brown is more natural, easier to take care of, and looks beautiful on everyone with lighter skin!!

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