Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I have shoulder length relaxed afro hair....?

and i desperately would like to have longer hair - without the extensions! Any products that anyone would advise? I live in the UK. xx

I have shoulder length relaxed afro hair....?

first of all afro hair is naturall dry and fragile so keep it moisturied NOT OILED oil don't moisturise they can't penetrate the hair.

don't use too much heat cause it breaks your hair and drys it out e.g. don't use more than a few times a month, less heat the better.

you relax your hair and you must understand they are no joke they will burn your scalp right out if your not careful so ;

relax your hair once every 8 weeks and no less because relaxers are strong so use it a little a possible cause the way it works is it breaks down the hair to get it straight and while stretching your relaxer

keep you hair moisturised. Weave Nouveau Moisturizing Lotion is good

wash you hair at least once a week ( i have natural afro hair and i do this)and you can do a conditioner wash which is when you wash it with only conditioner and no shampoo but try using shampoo once a month cause non-moisturizing shampoos dry out your but clean it well. creme out nature is a good shampoo and conditioner

every 6 weeks use a protien treatment becuase hair is made out of protien and this gives it strenght .aphogee intensive keratin treatment is good.also too much protien can make your hair feel crispy and if this happens stop using it for a while until you hair recovers

try and deep condition your hair at least once every 2 root stimulator replenishing paks is good and it's sold in a big bottle as well.

also no one need more then a normal relaxer and don't keep it in for more then 30 minutes.

protect your end and keep it moisturized with wearing styles that protect it like a bun or cornrow or braid but don't do the braid to long or tigh cause it will put out your hair. try and do protective style for at least 2 weeks out of a month.


try and sleep in a silk scarf or on a silk pillow cause it is better for oyur hair as it reduces friction which breaks hair and keeps in moisture.

moisturise your hair at least a few times a week.

also don't use grease it clogs your scalp and slow down growth. try using light oil like jojoba oil, coconut oil, carrot oil or shea butter and don't use any thing with petroleunm or mineral oil cause these clog your scalp.

don't brush your hair too much that thins it. get a denman brush

also all hair only grow half a inch on average a month and if your hair seems like it doesn't grow it's because it's breaking at the same rate and black afro hair esspecially relaxed hair is fragile so treat it like silk.

before putting in braids or coloring hair or relaxing it you should wait 2 weeks before doing each to your hair.

don't cut your hair to much every 4 months is fine.

i live in the UK and they sell these stuff in Paks cosmetics shops

here's the link for the shop as well

they sell more stuff in their shops not every thing that they sell in the shops is online.

sorry to be soooooo long but it will help so read it all:)

I have shoulder length relaxed afro hair....?

Well by extensions I am assuming you mean those horrible things they glue to your hair which not only cost a bomb, but are high maintenance and damage your hair. Glad you are not into that.

What about clip in extensions? Instant length and easy to put in!

For a longer term alternative I can only suggest vitamin rich products and follicle stimulation.

Speak to several hairdressers for hair care.

Get some hair, nails and skin formula tablets. They encourage growth.

Stimulaton: brushing hair frequently, massaging etc will stimulate the follicles.

I know it sounds funny, but cut your hair. Little trims will obviously keep the hair in good condition but can aid growth also.

Good luck.

I have shoulder length relaxed afro hair....?


i watched this programe 2 weeks ago on how men go over to poor parts of africa and india and pull the hair out of children as you as 3 to get cheep extensions for people like us

good for you for not getting extensions =)

drink omega 3 and if you go to ASDA go to the tablets range and get the product that says skin,hair and nails with asda written on it

it's brilliant my hair is afro and been relaxed i want it lik's still growing

good luck ;) x

I have shoulder length relaxed afro hair....?

Cut the hair !

I have shoulder length relaxed afro hair....?

take vitamin b12 and cut ur ends every 2-4 weeks.

I have shoulder length relaxed afro hair....?

you"v got some good tips,,,I"ll just say hi Tiger how you doing?

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