Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My "friend" put some puffy extensions in her hair and they don't look good?

but she likes them and she thinks I'm saying it just to be mean wich I'm not mean at all! but she insist that they look good.should I just leav it alone, the thing about it is that when she leaves the room everyone says she looks uglly and I feel bad, itold her nicely she looked better with her hair straigh....

My "friend" put some puffy extensions in her hair and they don't look good?

it's her mistake. let her figure out how bad it looks herself. she obviously dosent want your advice

My "friend" put some puffy extensions in her hair and they don't look good?

If you don't like the way it looks take it out!! Its as simple as that!!!

My "friend" put some puffy extensions in her hair and they don't look good?

I think u should leave her alone. but maybe one more try wouldn't hurt. but if she still resits then let her be.

My "friend" put some puffy extensions in her hair and they don't look good?

make sure you take tonnes of pic as a reminder, or better yet, tell her, that as her friend, your just telling her what people are to chicken to tell to her face, and that you feel the same way to.

My "friend" put some puffy extensions in her hair and they don't look good?

You just really should not tell her. I she may look a mess, but if she thinks she looks good, don't ruin that for her.

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