Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How do I get dried gum out of hair without cutting, it my hair doesn't grow due to medical issu

I have 2 bone diseaes which effect my hair growth, nail growth, etc and I got gum in my hair... how do I get it out? I don't want ot cut it because its short, and I can't have extensions and hair growth formula's don't work.

How do I get dried gum out of hair without cutting, it my hair doesn't grow due to medical issues?

PEANUT BUTTER! No lie just put alot on it and it will slip right out!

It rly works i wouldnt lie to you*

How do I get dried gum out of hair without cutting, it my hair doesn't grow due to medical issues?

smash and blend peanut butter into it and it will comb right out, try chewing gum with peanut butter and see what happens

How do I get dried gum out of hair without cutting, it my hair doesn't grow due to medical issues?

I got a whole bunch of gum stuck in my hair and I rubbed an ice cube on the gum and it came out just fine.

How do I get dried gum out of hair without cutting, it my hair doesn't grow due to medical issues?

Anything oily. Peanut butter is good. So is cooking oil. Slather it onto the gum spot and it should make it easy to roll up and rub off. Then wash the stuff out of your hair.

How do I get dried gum out of hair without cutting, it my hair doesn't grow due to medical issues?

Cooking oil, peanut butter, or really oily hair conditioner.

How do I get dried gum out of hair without cutting, it my hair doesn't grow due to medical issues?

it depends were in the hair the gum is cause if its down low cut it up high SAY OUCHY AND PULL IT!

How do I get dried gum out of hair without cutting, it my hair doesn't grow due to medical issues?

Well, both answers you have gotten are fine. But, go with peanut butter first. Your hair will be greasy afterwards, but that will wash out. If you freeze the gum out, you will have the problem of your hair probably coming out with the gum when you break it out.

How do I get dried gum out of hair without cutting, it my hair doesn't grow due to medical issues?

Get a plastic bag and put some ice in it (or use a frozen drink bottle). If you keep it against the gum for a while it will turn hard, meaning it won't be as sticky when pulling it out. Use a finely toothed comb to get out any extra little bits, and wash your hair with a good shampoo!

How do I get dried gum out of hair without cutting, it my hair doesn't grow due to medical issues?

try peanut butter. or just plain butter.

hope i helped =]

and good luck

How do I get dried gum out of hair without cutting, it my hair doesn't grow due to medical issues?

Smooth peanut butter....I had to do this once. Work it in, leave it in for a few minutes then it should slip right out with your fingers.

How do I get dried gum out of hair without cutting, it my hair doesn't grow due to medical issues?

honestly, i had gotten gum on my gym pants one year and we put some warm vinegar, either red or white, on it and it came out no problemo, i would deff give that a try.. its better then having peanut butter scented hair =/ and less sticky too

How do I get dried gum out of hair without cutting, it my hair doesn't grow due to medical issues?

Try an oil-based product. Peanut butter or a store-bought product called "Goo Be Gone". It really works!

How do I get dried gum out of hair without cutting, it my hair doesn't grow due to medical issues?

peanut butter!!!! No kidding!!! rub the peanut butter into the gum .as you rub the p nut oils will dissolve the sticky in the gum . use a comb to remove the p nut butter and gum bits then wash as usual.

How do I get dried gum out of hair without cutting, it my hair doesn't grow due to medical issues?

Everytime 1 of my kids get gum into thier hair or mine ,I take some peanut butter %26amp; work into the gum really well until the gum starts to get gooey.Then I comb out most of it.Sometimes I have to put more peanut butter in after combing %26amp; then comb a second time.After that I wash thier hair with shampoo %26amp; warm water.I hope this helps you.

How do I get dried gum out of hair without cutting, it my hair doesn't grow due to medical issues?

Peanut butter, I know it sounds silly but I have children, believe me it works. Wet the hair and just keep rubbing the peanut butter over the gum, you will feel the gum start to break down.

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