Saturday, May 5, 2012

Extensions made my hair fall out A LOT?

a lot of my hair fell out from the roots when i took out my extensions...

im so scared and i am never going to do extnesions again

will my hair grow back or not??????

Extensions made my hair fall out A LOT?

Yes, it will grow back. It wasn't the extensions themselves that caused this. When they're attached be it a weft (weave) or in segments; a lot of tension is put on the natural which can cause breakage at the scalp area or near the extension placement.

Also, humans normally shed 75-100 hairs per day. When wearing extensions this hair is not allowed to fall out as it is encompassed in the small braid or attachment to the extensions.

This could be a combination of both factors. Don't worry :)

Extensions made my hair fall out A LOT?

yes your hair is going to grow back it's ok you'll be fine i want to get extesntions soo badly :( but im getting them done at the salon thoug

Extensions made my hair fall out A LOT?

honey honey honey im i have a hair salon are you black? or white if you white then eventually you're hair will grow back. if you black then you have to use dr.miracle, its effective and it gives you tingling in the scalp where a silk hair scarf in your hair at night so it could moisturize you hair while you sleep. And, if you put glue in your hair then it will fall out you should not put glue in your hair well anyways um email me and tell me what hair products you use in your hair? okay. bye.

Extensions made my hair fall out A LOT?

of course your hair will grow back. it doesn't matter if your black or white. just never get glued in extensions. it can permanently damage your hair.

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