Saturday, May 5, 2012

Are sewd in extensions bad for your hair?

im thinking about getting sewd in extensions, but i dont want my hair to get damaged. and are extensions noticeable? my hair is a little above my shoulders.

how long do they last also

Are sewd in extensions bad for your hair?

No its not bad for your hair. It might give you split ends, but those can be taken care of with a half an inch taken off. Just a trim. Hair Extentions are not really noticeable unless you go REALLY long because then people will notice hat your hair grew 5 inches in one day lol. Just go normal and natural...then they wont be that noticable. Hope this helped!!

Are sewd in extensions bad for your hair?

ya thins out ur hair

Are sewd in extensions bad for your hair?

The appearance of your hair extensions depends solely on your stylist so make sure you do your research in your area first before you go dishing out money to someone who may 'jack you up'!

We carry beautiful human hair extensions on our site at so check us out when you get a chance.

Also check out our hair talk message board and get answers to some of your questions about extensions.

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