Saturday, May 5, 2012

Plaiting extensions into afro hair?

Hi, can anyone tell me where i can learn how to do the plaits with extensions on afro hair, have looked at loads of websites and cannot find any instructions! If you know of a website that can help or maybe a book or video you could recommend I'd be very grateful x

Plaiting extensions into afro hair?

If you can plait, you're half way there. I wear braided extentions that I do myself, and it just came with practise.

Here's how I do mine...

Section the small section of hair to be plainted

Take extention hair and tie into loop as though you are tying a knot but keep loose.

Loop this around the sectioned hair, tighten, and then start to plait hair down as you would normally. This is how I do mine and they never fall out, but best of all when you want them out they will slide out quite easily without having to be unplaited from the root. I do mine and all my friends - it just takes lots of practice.

Good luck x

Plaiting extensions into afro hair?

If your city has a recreational book, you know those ones they put out for every season, you can check in there. I know where I live they have alot of braiding classes. If that dosen't help, go to an African braiding shop (their the best) and ask for lessons. Not sure how much that'll cost, though.

Plaiting extensions into afro hair?

Wow- I didn't know people 'taught' how to braid hair. I learned on my Barbies growing up. Anyways, there's a bunch of people on youtube showing how to do it-but my advice is: you can't watch a video and learn how to braid-it's something that is learned by touch, feel and practice makes perfect.

Plaiting extensions into afro hair?

there are instructions on this site:

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