Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pink hair streaks. Should I dye it or get extensions?

Im thinking pink hair streaks underneath . Should I get extensions or dye it. and why

Pink hair streaks. Should I dye it or get extensions?

get extensions because you might want to change it later and dying your hair damages it.

if you want to know where to get good extensions they have them at Sallys beauty supply and their all natural human hair.

then if you dont like them you can take them out and put different ones in or just keep your hair the way it is.

Pink hair streaks. Should I dye it or get extensions?

get extensions so if you don't like it then you can just take them off. And if you dye it you... either one is allright.

Pink hair streaks. Should I dye it or get extensions?

if your hair is blonde enough then dry it with like specail effcets or magic panic but if it's darker then do the extenstions

Pink hair streaks. Should I dye it or get extensions?

definitely try extensions first so if you don't like it you can take it out easily and if you do like it you can go for the dye

Pink hair streaks. Should I dye it or get extensions?

Well I did something similar though I only got one pink streak underneath for the summer I liked it because you could hide it or show it off depending one how you wear your hair I would just dye it (if your a brunette it will be easy to dye back if you dont like it, I personally dont know with blondes) also extentions are more expensive and more painful

Pink hair streaks. Should I dye it or get extensions?

you should get extensions just in case you dont how it looks. and if you do i guess you can get it dyed next time.

Pink hair streaks. Should I dye it or get extensions?

Extensions its pretty hard to get rid of the streaks....if you need to look more professional you can just take the extensions out OR if its dyed you'll have to re-dye your hair and potentially do more sucks.

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