Saturday, May 5, 2012

I'm a black teen girl whose hair's relaxed&will not grow! I have extensions could they

My extension are glued by the way... I'm tired of wearing them! I want my real hair to grow!! What are some products that make hair grow fast?

I'm a black teen girl whose hair's relaxed%26amp;will not grow! I have extensions could they be preventing growth?

maybe, you never know. It really depends on salon and worker worker.check out and ask a professional stylist or another salon worker (recomended:manager) I would also recomend garnier frutis sleek and shine it shines up but since I have been using it my hair has been growing at a faster pace.

I'm a black teen girl whose hair's relaxed%26amp;will not grow! I have extensions could they be preventing growth?

Your hair probably is growing (its just really slow) I've heard that horse shampoo makes hair grow fast. Oh and the Vitamins that you take when your pregnant makes everything grow (nails and hair, plus its healthy for ya). You don't have to be pregnant to get them either like what I thought and you can buy them at just 'bout any store. Good luck! hope this helped.

P.S. ANY vitamin is good for you

I'm a black teen girl whose hair's relaxed%26amp;will not grow! I have extensions could they be preventing growth?

Well if I had to guess why your hair wasn't growing I would say it's from all the damage. The relaxer is extremely damaging then you have the extensions. Your hair is probably breaking off so it appears it isn't growing.

To grow your hair longer take out the extensions and stop the relaxers. Take a good multivitamin. Biotin and MSM also incourage growth. There are root stimulators and other things that are supposed to work but I wouldn't garuntee it.

I'm a black teen girl whose hair's relaxed%26amp;will not grow! I have extensions could they be preventing growth?

Try some over-the-counter pre-natal vitamins....seriously!! The hair grows from the roots - so it has nothing to do with your extensions! If you're reluctant about pre-natal vitamins then try flax-seed oil vitamins.

I'm a black teen girl whose hair's relaxed%26amp;will not grow! I have extensions could they be preventing growth?

Hi Ricka

There isn't anything wrong with wearing extensions, it's just VERY important how your getting them put in. I suggest getting all your ends cut, maybe into a layered style. Keeping it clean and healthy is key. I do suggest sew in weaves if you want to wear extensions, if done by the correct person, not too tightly braided, you'll find your hair will grow.

I'm a black teen girl whose hair's relaxed%26amp;will not grow! I have extensions could they be preventing growth?

Hi. Thats your first mistake. Never glue your hair. Its like gum. Its hard to take out. I mean this in a good way but - YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER, YOUNG LADY! I used to do that. When I had to take it out, I had to use acetone. By the time it came out, my hair was very thin and always broke off. Now, I am natural and when flatironed, 23 in. I dont know if you want to go natural, but while on my hair journey to look for good products with less harsh chems, I found a wealth of info that can benefit naturals and relaxed - my 11 yr old niece is relaxed. Here is a good website to look at:

Look at the crown and glory method, how to shampoo, care for relaxed hair, everything. You wont be disappointed. You should take a multivitamin or prenatal vitamin, either one works fine, and a hair vitamin like GNC healthy hair skin and nails or just biotin tablets (aids in hair growth). Drink lots of water. Try to eat more fruits and veggies. I dont know if you'll be able to do this since you do have to buy it, but Im sure your parents can help. Most people dont know they need vitamins for healthy hair and body.

I wont take longer, Im trying to give you all this info w/o giving you a novel. Most products on the market have harsh chems in it. Once Ive changed to less, minimal or no chems, my hair has been better and healthier. Here are product websites: (look under natural products section, I think)

You can browse through them and see what might work for you. They have for natural and relaxed. There are also some 100% essential scalp oils that will nourish your scalp too, great for scalp massages (theres one called wild growth oil, you will find it in beauty supply stores - the smell is overpowering, but it works). Check it out, some may seem expensive, but theyre way better than the others (see what you can afford, though). Lastly, dont have the extensions in your hair. Try to do without them for now. Your hair needs breathing. Once you follow everything Ive told you and create a routine for yourself, you wont need extensions because your hair will grow. Just because you see other people with them, it might not work for you. Just like with me. I want a change sometimes too. But thats what wigs are for :) Hope this helps you. God bless.

P.S. DONT USE MINERAL/BABY OIL AND PETROLEUM BASED PRODUCTS! All the cheap "black and ethnic" products have them. No doo gro, dr. miracle, motions, none of that, girl, you know what Im talking about. Read the labels!!!

I'm a black teen girl whose hair's relaxed%26amp;will not grow! I have extensions could they be preventing growth?

well, do you take care of your hair do you relax it when your suppose to do you wash it... do you wash it to often that might cause it to fall out.......and some brushes might tare out your hair and combs to .... you should use a treatment to help your hair grow and become stronger... i really don't know about extentions because i don't ware them .... hope i helped........

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