Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I want to use caucasion hair products?

exclusively with decent results.

I suppose my hair is the "good grade" of "bad hair". I would be considered a 4 ( for those of you who understand that hair grading system). However my hair is not coily and not short. ( I am 1/8th Indian , 7/8 th black). When I wear extensions, my hair gets fuzzy within a month, at two months I have to take them out or practically over my head in public, LOL.

I feel like a perm or even a texturizer is a drain on my money resources and might be unnecessary. I have been searching for other black people who have natural hair and use caucasion hair products with decent or even good results.

I mean, does anyone use Redken or paul mitchelle? Tresseme? Phyto?

Is my hair frizzy? Should I go for smoothing products or curly products? will someone explain this protein I should wash my hair with ?

Does anyone use a flat iron only with having to resort to a hot comb?

Let me know .....


I want to use caucasion hair products?

there's no such thing as white people hair products, it just seems that way because their are products that specifically target african americans. I say try whatever you think works for your hair. Trial %26amp; error is the best method to find out what works for you or not. I personally don't use alot of products targeted towards blacks; especially those that spell words incorrectly or are suppose to work a miracle.

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