Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How do you do your hair like this? (Pic inside)?

How do you do your hair like this? (Pic inside)?

1. Curl the ends of your hair with a curling iron.

2. Gather hair into a ponytail and secure with an elastic three inches above the nape of your neck.

3. Take the entire tail and flip it up. Clip the pony (using a claw clip) one-inch above the elastic. Let the ends fall back over the clip.

4. Place a braided headband (that matches your hair color) one-inch back from your forehead.

5. Using your fingers, gently tousle the hair in front of the headband. Loosen it up so it won't look so slicked back.

How do you do your hair like this? (Pic inside)?

umm theres instructions on the site.

How do you do your hair like this? (Pic inside)?

They have the instructions there already. Read them.

How do you do your hair like this? (Pic inside)?

You may not have the pony tail high enough on your head. It looks like you pull it up to the top of your head before flipping the ends and securing with a clip.

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