Friday, March 30, 2012

How long does it usually take to get sewn in hair extensions put in?

how long does it USUALLY take to get extensions put in?

How long does it usually take to get sewn in hair extensions put in?

It depends...But mine usually take about 2 hrs or so

How long does it usually take to get sewn in hair extensions put in?

If you are referring to weave(hair on the track), which I think is what you meant since you said sewn in. It would then depend on the actual hair style. Once you specify your question, I could give a better answer.

There are various kinds of extensions: braids, weave, hair links, and wigs. How it takes to style any form of extensions will depend on who is doing the hair style, the style itself, hair texture, natural hair texture/length, and length of the extensions.

A sew-in can take a couple minutes if its one track to being several hours if you are trying to look like Pocahantas.

How long does it usually take to get sewn in hair extensions put in?

About 2hrs or more depending on the style of the sew-in

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